Sunday, November 21, 2010

Leaf Pile

It took a long time for me to feel like it was actually fall. But the weather has cooled down and the leaves are on the ground. The kids had so much fun jumping in the leaves. It brought back so many fun memories for me, so I decided to go ahead and join them.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Kangs

Sunday was a gorgeous day. I was excited to be out side enjoying the weather. My day got even better when the Kangs arrived. The girls stepped out of the car and all I could do was smile. They were so adorable with their white dresses and tights and red glittery shoes. They were so happy and giggly that I wish we had a longer session.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Zoo

The kids were off from school on Monday so we decided to go out and do something exciting. Since they love animals we went to the zoo. They loved it. Even though they have been there before it was as if everything was a new adventure. Their favorite part of the zoo was the reptile house. I think they were more fascinated by finding the animals that were hiding than actually seeing the animals. It was a long day but we all loved it!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Purple FIrecrackers 2010

It was Eamon's first time playing a team sport. He has been so excited to learn and play with the kids on his team. Since the season is winding down we took some photos of the kids to remember such an exciting time.