Monday, March 28, 2011

Batman Turns 5!

Four Batmen and one Cat Woman all celebrated for Eamon's 5th Birthday! It was a great party with Batman themed music, Stomp on the Bad Guy, Mr. Freeze Dance, Find the Bad Guy and many other events! All the kids had so much fun, but I have to admit I think I had just as much fun watching them all run around in their costumes. The Batman cake was amazing and there were even Batman themed snacks. Eamon was so excited to turn 5, he was even taller when he woke up that morning!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday the kids got dressed up as some characters from his stories. Anna the "Star Bellied Sneetch" and Eamon as the "Cat in the Hat." Anna's school even has a small parade with all the kids that got dressed up. Dr. Seuss does have some great books, my favorite is "Oh the Places You'll Go." The tongue twisters are also fun. Hope everyone has some cake for Dr. Seuss!